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Mid winter update

Lots of things have been going on here in preparation for spring! Seeds After months of planning, I finally have all my seeds in order for the garden!  I'm growing a lot this year.  Since it's my first year gardening in the pacific northwest, I'm throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.  I have 85 different seed types I'm planing.  About 2/3 are new this year and the other 1/3 are saved from years before.  Some of them are really old, so I'm not counting on them producing any viable plants. Grow light In preparation for seed starting, I got a new grow light for the greenhouse.  I'm trialing it and might get more if it works out.  I spent a lot of time looking into this.  I knew I wanted to go with LED for efficient electricity usage, but finding information on what to look for is difficult.  I saw a lot of sou rces talk about wattage (which doesn't apply across different types of lights) and I saw a lot of general compar...

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