Crocus Planting

When I first moved to Seattle nearly 6 years ago in winter, one of the first flowers I fell in love with was the crocus.  I had never seen them before, and I was captivated by their vibrant color at a time when everything seemed barren. Every time I'd walk to Metropolitan Market, I'd look for the small patch and smile.  It was a small reprieve from the winter blues.

Given that they're the first flower I fell in love with in Seattle, it's only appropriate they they are my first planting endeavor at the Bothell House.  I might be jumping the gun a little.  It's 9 weeks before the first frost and it's recommended to plant them at 6-8 week, but I just can't help myself!  I'm ready to start making changes!  I have visions of someday having a whole lawn full of them (never mind that I also have dreams of completely removing the lawn).

I'm a little skeptical of the idea of planting them in the lawn, but I found of a ton of useful information here: Old House Gardens - Growing Crocus in Lawns

Today I planted two varieties - Ruby Giant and Lady Killer

I got both at Molbak's for $6.99 for 20 bulbs (or $0.35/bulb).  Given that I'm unsure how this is going to turn out, I planted them in a variety of locations, and mostly around the edges of the lawn.  We'll see which ones took in Spring!
